Keith Hendrickson receives AHCA John Mariucci award

On Friday afternoon, Virginia’s Keith Hendrickson officially received the AHCA John Mariucci award.

An amateur scout in the NHL for 12 years, Hendrickson was also honored for his 25 years he spent as head coach of Virginia/Mountain Iron-Buhl boys hockey.

“I was approached to apply and I thought, well, okay, I’ll do it for a year. You know, so 25 years later, I was retiring from it. So, it became a real passion for me. And I guess even going back to when I was in high school, I coached a rink peewee team, even though I was playing at the same time. With my dad coaching and my uncle coaching and now my son coaches, it’s in our blood. “

His father, Dave Hendrickson, also won the John Mariucci award in 2000.