Helping everyone experience the St. Louis River

Helping everyone experience the St. Louis River

The St. Louis River Experience helps seniors, Veterans and people with special needs to enjoy the water and a boat ride.

The St. Louis River Experience is a local non-profit that helps mostly seniors- but also veterans and those with special needs- experience the great outdoors with boat tours of the St. Louis River.

Crews start at Pier B and spend two hours, seeing the sights and learning about the history of the water.

They’ll take two groups out per a day from June through Labor Day.

“The mission is to get people out because a lot of them don’t get out a lot. It’s amazing how they look forward to this,” Skip VanKessel tells The Lift it makes all the difference for some of these folks. The effort is all volunteer powered.

If you’re interested in getting involved- SLRE is hosting a Volunteer roundup. It’s Tuesday, April 23 @ 4:30 p.m. at the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd. RSVP here.