Greasing the griddles for Lions Club Pancake Day

Greasing the griddles for the Lions Club Pancake Day

The Duluth Lions Club Pancake Day is Thursday, May 2 to raise money to support organizations with sight and hearing.

Lions Club Pancake Day is an easy-sell for the Duluth community. In 2023, they served a 7,585 people!

The 65th Annual Lions Club Pancake Day is Tuesday, May 2 from 6 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Pioneer Hall in the DECC.

It’s $8 prior to the event and $10 at the door. Children under 4 years and under are free with parents. You can buy tickets beforehand at the Holiday Center, Valentini’s, Mr. D’s Bar & Grill, Theobald Family Eye Care Mainstream Fashion for Men, and Farmers Insurance/ Joel Brekken Agency.

Parking is courtesy of North Shore Bank of Commerce.

The event raises money for programs that benefit the sight impaired, those with diabetes, the hearing impaired, youth, and more.