Mission Soirée fundraiser to support YWCA programs

Interview with YWCA for Mission Soiree

YWCA representatives stopped in to GMN to discuss their upcoming fundraising event, Mission Soiree.

If you have lived in Duluth for a while, there is a good chance you have been helped by organizations affiliated with the YWCA. Community members play a big role in their success, says strategic advisor Beth Burt.

On May 30th, the YWCA is holding Mission Soirée to celebrate their 130th anniversary. This also serves as fundraiser to help continue their work in the community.

Operations and communications manager, Asin Biiwaash-Smith, says that this is a night to bring the community together. There will be live music, games, food and drinks for you.

Some of the programs include helping young mothers with transitioning into a more stable and self-sufficient environment. Another program you are supporting when you attend the event is the Spirit Valley Early Childhood Education Center. This supports curriculum that motivates, entertains and educates young minds in a secure learning environment.

For more information about ticket prices, click here. For more information on the YWCA, visit their website.