Ways to combat the September heat around the Twin Ports

Temperatures broke records across the state of Minnesota this weekend, and it’s the same here in Duluth.

We saw the temperature climb to 97° Sunday in Duluth as many people are preparing for summers end. As some schools are in session, and some start after the holiday weekend, many were out celebrating the last days of summer.

On days as hot as it was, a lot of people were out trying to find creative ways to stay cool.

We stopped by Love Creamery, Bent Paddle Brewing and Leif Erickson Park to find out some of the different ways people are staying cool.

UMD freshman flooded the inside of the ice cream shop, “we’re all in the same learning community so we decided we would walk down and grab some ice cream since its so hot today,” said Noah Kevan.

We saw a lot of board games and beer as we arrived at Bent Paddle Brewing. Employee Joe Westerberg says they a lot of people have been coming in for some refreshing beverages. He adds its a popular place because you’re allowed to bring in any food you would like.

Finally, to really cool ourselves down we stopped at Leif Erickson Park to dip our toes in the water. Families gathered at the beach as well as the garden to catch some of the lake breeze. One family, the Carpenter’s say they came up north from St. Francis to try and combat the September heat.