Titanium Partners plans to turn office space inside Ordean building into housing

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The city of Duluth and Titanium Partners announced an adaptive reuse housing project in the downtown area.

Titanium is going to take the top five floors of the Ordean Building and turn them into housing units.

Brian Forcier, principal at Titanium, said they would be about 35 market rate, workforce units. The bottom two floors will be commercial.

They plan on buying the plaza space from the city.

Overall, Forcier estimates it will be an $8 million dollar project. They’ve owned the building since 2019. The goal is to start work in early 2024.

The city had a study done on reuse of office space for housing in the downtown area.

Here’s a link: https://duluthmn.gov/media/15840/greater-downtown-study-area_duluthmn-2023.pdf