The DECC joins the vinyl craze with its new ‘Vinyl Happy Hour’

Every Tuesday 4:30pm-6:30pm through the end of November the DECC with be hosting their Vinyl Happy Hour.

Held in the newly re-furnished Symphony Hall Mezzanine, all the music played comes from Executive Director Dan Hartman’s record collection.

Hartman is excited to showcase all the vinyl he’s collected through the years. He says, “I thought it would be a fun way for people to enjoy the space. Selfishly I have a vinyl collection myself, several other folks in Duluth do too. So I thought it would be fun to bring the vinyl community together a little bit.”

Vinyl has continued to increase in popularity over the years according to the Recording to the Industry Association of America sales rose by 22% in the first half of 2022.

Northland record stores are seeing the the popularity as well.

Globe News/Vinyl Cave Owner Tom Unterberger says, “It’s been steadily increasing for the last 10 years. COVID really jumpstarted it, a lot of people went back in their attics and found collections they used to have and started getting back into it again. And so it’s been getting a little stronger everyday.”