Redesign Commission seeking new designs for state flag

According to the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State, submissions are now open for a new design for the state flag and seal. All entries must follow the guidelines outlined by the commission. The deadline is October 30, 2023 for submissions to the website.
Some of the guideline include:
- Accurately and respectfully reflects Minnesota’s history, resources and communities
- Symbols, emblems, or likenesses that represent only a single community or person may not be included.
As a member of the commission, Secretary of State Steve Simon is a member of the commission and encourages the public to take part in this process.
In a statement, Steve Simon said, “Now is the time for Minnesotans to embrace the legacy of our state and celebrate our future! Join the conversation about the redesign of the state flag and seal to ensure that the commission has a wide range of options to review. Public input is vital to the work of the commission and will be sought out both now – at the start of our process – and later – as we narrow down the submissions to five which will receive final consideration. I look forward to seeing the creativity and passion of Minnesotans shine.”
The State Emblems Redesign Commission began in the 2023 legislative session to develop and adopt a new design for the official state seal and a new design for the official state flag no later than January 1, 2024.