MMIR event coming up in Ashland on Sunday

MMIR event coming up in Ashland on Sunday

Advocates are focused on saying no more, to the serious issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives.

Advocates are focused on saying no more, to the serious issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives.

Folks made awareness pins, shaped like red dresses, at the Ginanda Gikendaasomin Library back on April 13th.

They’ll be handed out to those who attend the event on Sunday, May 5th.

Caravans will be leaving from Red Cliff and Bad River, and meet in Ashland.

Here are more details about the Sunday event. It starts at 12pm at the Ashland Band Shell. There will be food trucks, raffles, prizes, and more.

It’s being put on by the New Day Advocacy Center, Bad River Zhawenindig, and Red Cliff Family Violence Prevention Program.