Late December conditions near perfect for skiing and snowboarding

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Spirit Mountain says the recent accumulation of snow is also adding to a great season of skiing and snowboarding.

Director of Resort Services, Jon Regenold says, “This late December sun; this is going to be a treat this week.”

Spirit officially opened their slopes this Thanksgiving weekend and entered their full season December 14th with many people planning to come out this week.

Snowboarder Landon Greenlay who was snowboarding Monday says, “We have group chats, people go in and say ‘let’s go snowboarding today’. I’m excited to get through the rest of the day.”

And with the recent snow storms the slopes are looking great this time of year. Jon explains what skiers and snowboarders are looking for.

“Kind of what we look for are those cold temps. Into the teens and below just are magic for our snow making teams. [Right now] Our sun is not hot enough to make it super mushy so the snow texture is going to stay really fresh and really carveable.”

Even though it’s the second snowiest December in Duluth the snow machines are still operating to make sure that snow stays through March.

Jon says, “Every year what we go for is about 3 feet of snow on every trail. Mixing in natural snow with manmade snow just gives so much texture to our product.”

Historically the slopes close down in March but Jon says not to worry about that now. “Right now is when we just get to play, we get all the new fresh natural snow and have so much fun.”