Duluth student top finalist in national Veterans Appreciation Challenge

A Duluth student is doing his part to help give back to veterans. Caleb Hassebrock, a 12th grade student from Duluth East High School is a top 10 finalist in the third annual AEOP Veterans Appreciation Challenge, hosted by the Army Education Outreach Program and Future Engineers. The competition connects fourth to 12th grade students across the country to use their 3D design skills to create a wearable pin that demonstrates their gratitude towards veterans.

As a final stage in the challenge, Caleb’s pin design will be printed and distributed to veterans who visit the National Veterans Memorial and Museum in Columbus, Ohio on Memorial Day. The competition winners will be announced on April 3rd and will receive a 3D printer donated to the school, library, or organization of their choice. Winners will be selected based on the originality and quality of the 3D design, as well as the message of support and appreciation for veterans. The challenge winners will also earn a trip for two to Columbus for a special event at the National Veterans Memorial and Museum.