Busy Minneapolis interstate reopens after investigation into state trooper’s use of force

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A major interstate in Minneapolis reopened Monday after it was closed for about seven hours while officials investigated a Minnesota State Patrol trooper’s “use of force.”
The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension confirmed in a tweet that the agency was investigating the incident, but it didn’t initially release any details about what prompted the closure of four miles of I-94 in north Minneapolis. The agency didn’t say whether the trooper fired their gun or whether anyone died.
RELATED STORY FROM KSTP: BCA investigating after driver killed while trying to flee traffic stop on I-94
The Star Tribune reports that traffic cameras appeared to show a traffic stop shortly after 2 a.m. Monday. At one point, the gray sedan that the patrol stopped drove away and several troopers were seen running back to their vehicles. Officers surrounded the car a short while later.
The westbound lanes of the interstate reopened around 9:30 a.m.
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