UWS men’s basketball hold youth scoring camp on Monday

Monday afternoon at the University of Wisconsin Superior, campers hit the floor for the Yellowjackets men’s basketball scoring camp.

Designed to teach campers techniques that will allow them to score the basketball in a variety of ways, taught by current coaches and players.

“To still give kids that opportunity to come to camp I think a cool thing. Our guys really enjoy it, It’s a chance for them to get back together with one another and with the community,” said men’s basketball head coach Greg Polkowski.

“Just being in this camp, I think I’m having as much fun as the kids, honestly. But just being around this environment, I’m loving it they’re a blast to work with. Sometimes they don’t listen, but that’s the fun in it, it’s all spontaneous,’ added senior player J’Vaun Walker.

For more camp opportunities at UWS this summer CLICK HERE.