Duluth boxer Danny “Lionheart” Huffman prepping for unbeaten test in 12th pro fight

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Two months ago Duluth’s home-grown boxer Danny “Lionheart” Huffman threw out punches in front of a home crowd battling in the Jack O’Brian Invitational at the Garden in Canal Park.

Now, still training at Jungle Boy Boxing Gym, he’s less than a month away from stepping into the ring again for what will be his 12th professional fight.

“We’re just going to go in, stick to the game plan. This guy that I’m fighting, he’s a solid fighter. He’s never been stopped before so that’s the goal, we’re going to get him out of there before the final bell. UIltimately I want to get the win and look good doing it,” Huffman shared.

“These fights, every one of them is a different kind of puzzle to take on. So this guy is tall, he’s a long boxer, he’s never been stopped, he’s tough. I’ve seen him give some other folks a real run for their money so this is going to be a good test for Danny,” Zach Walters said, owner of Jungle Boy Boxing Gym.

Huffman’s fight will be June 17 at the Element Gym in St. Paul.