Meet Emily Larson, seeking re-election for Duluth Mayor

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“Hi. I am Emily Larson, and I am honored to be your Mayor.

I moved to Duluth at the age of 17 to go to St. Scholastica, and I stayed. I live in the Hillside Neighborhood with my husband Doug, in the very same house where we raised our two sons who are now grown.

I have been Mayor for two terms, and I am seeking reelection because the progress that we’re making together is worth fighting for and is worth expanding. We have taken on major issues one by one, and we together are delivering for Duluth in big and transformative ways.

I have increased street work by 850%, going from two miles a year when I took office to 17 miles this year, 20 miles next year, 50 miles in the next three. I’ve cut greenhouse gas emissions by the City by 32%, city-wide crime by 22%. I’ve added 1,700 new units of housing, more than has been done in that same time period than in three decades.

Together we navigated a global pandemic, which peaked at 35% community unemployment and decimated our City budget, but just look at the resilient recovery we are making. We are in our fourth straight year of record private sector development and investment, and my proposed budget for next year decreases your property tax payment.

Since January, my team and I have door-knocked 9,000 homes across the City. You have been sharing with me your ideas and your concerns, your hopes and your dreams, and all of that sharing has been so important; because despite the many successes that I have just listed, we still face serious challenges, and I share your impatience and urgency for more.

You’ve shared that you believe in your future, that you know the momentum on the line in this Election. And you are suspicious of candidates that claim difficult problems can be magically solved. It doesn’t work that way, and you know it.

What we need is a Mayor that sees not just the genuine hurt of the moment, but has the hope of a vision to pull us through. This next term is about revitalizing our Downtown, doubling-down on housing; it’s about a ten-year parks plan and a vision for the Library. It’s about getting lead out of your pipes and expanding childcare solutions. It’s about continuing to invest in ways that make your life better.

My name is Emily Larson, and I am asking for your support on November 7th. Together, we’re building a better Duluth. Thank you.”