Tour a Monarch Waystation Garden with Duluth Monarch Buddy’s

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This self-guided tour of Duluth Certified Monarch Waystations features gardens with a mix of milkweed, nectar and pollinator plants that provide the habitat needed for the propagation and growth of Monarch butterflies.  

Seven gardens are featured on this tour—some small and simple and others large and elaborate. Hosts are available to show off their gardens and answer questions.

Monarch Waystations are gardens certified by Monarch Watch, a national nonprofit education, conservation and research program at the University of Kansas. Their focus is on the Monarch butterfly, its habitat and spectacular fall migration.

There are 101 certified Monarch Watch sites across Duluth.

Take the Tour Saturday, August 5 by checking in 9:30 -10:30 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church.

There is a $20 vehicle fee that supports planting projects and conservation efforts around Duluth.

Tour the waystations between 10 a.m. to 2 p.m..