Getting back into a reading routine

If summer has brought a break in your regular reading, whether intentionally or unintentionally, avid reader Emily Fletcher has a few tips to get back into a routine.

  1. Read what you know: “A lot of people, when they are trying to maybe get back into reading and it’s been awhile pick up maybe a book that someone’s recommended to them or something that’s on a best-seller list that might not necessarily be the right book for them<” Fletcher said. “And reading what you know, picking up a book that is setting you up for success, I think you’re going to have better results than trying to try something new.”
  2. Try a new format: “I’ve been incorporating a lot more audiobooks, and I also got an e-reader,” Fletcher said. “For people who maybe don’t have reading as part of their routine already, specifically audiobooks I think are a really great way to kind of get that in because you can make it part of your day. I listen to them while I’m driving to work. I know a lot of people do it with chores around the house.”
  3. Remember what makes it fun: “That’s the point, right? We’re doing this as kind of like an extracurricular activity, something fun, something to destress at the end of the day,” Fletcher said. “And if it’s not that, if it’s something that you’re dreading, sometimes taking an intentional break from it instead of trying to force it is going to be better for you in the long run. Reading is always going to be there.”

Find Fletcher on Instagram under @midwestbookqueen.