Update from police: Babbitt man found in freezer went in there on his own

Gilbert Police have provided an update about the man found in a chest freezer in Biwabik last month.

Brandon Buschman, 34, was from Babbitt.

Police said they have interviewed people who last saw Buschman fleeing from the upstairs area of the house, due to law enforcement presence. He had an outstanding warrant for his arrest, according to police.

Investigators said evidence shows he went into the freezer on his own. It was not on, but could not be opened from the inside. It was in the basement of the home, which had been unoccupied since February 2023.

They are continuing to narrow down the timeline regarding the last time Buschman was seen alive.

The Gilbert Police Department was assisted by the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office, East Range Police Department, Chisholm Police Department and Babbitt Police Department in this investigation.