8-Year-Old Starts Up New Market – Beginning Business in Northland
Inspiration can come from anywhere, at any age. How about a little inspo from an eight-year-old and his business journey.
Eight-year-old, Benson Rule started his adventure to become an entrepreneur a few years ago and now it has grown to become a full Kids market and growing business. With another right around the corner!
He shared with me his humble beginnings and what made him want to start his own business.
“First they started out with flowers. I started to pick flowers, and I just wanted to make money, so I picked flowers to sell them. And then, that was a fail, so then after that, like a year or two later, I wanted to raise money for Valley Fair, so I started with earrings, and then after that, I just kept going with my business.”
The Fond Du Lac kid continued growing his business of handmade jewelry and accessories after taking some inspiration from close family members.
He goes to the local farmer’s market on Saturdays with his business alongside his grandpa.
“Also, I got into the farmer’s market because of my grandpa. He did the farmer’s market before me. So, then that’s how I got started into the farmer’s market.”
“My mom kind of interested me into sewing, because she used to sew her own… Her own dresses for other people and sold them. So, I kind of came up with sewing my own tote bags.”
His Grandpa still runs his own business named Silverfeather Homestead known for its chicken, rabbits, hot sauce, and so much more. Benson took that family experience and launched his own idea.
“How I thought of the kids’ market, I just kind of wanted to see if there was any other young youth lenders. So, then I wanted to start a kids’ market, until the day happened, and then I seen tons of kids just made their own things. Made their own products to sell.”
The market was a huge success with 15 other vendors as well as a show of support from the Twin Ports Ghost Busters II. With such a victory underneath his belt, Benson looked to the future for another Kids Market.

“Next time I kind of want to see if there’s any more youth lenders. Like, I want to see more. Like, I want to see what they come up with.”
The next Kids Market is scheduled for July 21st. Going from 10am-1pm at 1405 HWY 33 S. Cloquet, MN 55720. For more information and how to sign up, email bensonsprettylittlethings@gmail.com.
With his business and impact rippling throughout the community, he shared with me his hopes for the future of opening up his own jewelry store.
“I’m kind of saving up for to get a shed, to turn that into my little store.”