Gun violence awareness gathering along Duluth Lakewalk
June 2nd is Gun violence awareness Day, people wear orange to remember those injured or lost due to gun violence. Minnesota also recently passed new gun laws regarding background checks and red flag laws.
Mary Streufert, the Co-President of Northland Brady/Protect Minnesota talked more about the gun violence awareness gathering. “We were here today to celebrate the gun laws that were recently passed by the Minnesota legislature.” Streufert said. “As well as remember people that have been killed in gun violence, many shootings and at churches and nightclubs, etc.”
Streufert also talked about her personal experience with gun violence and her efforts in helping others. “In 1991, my daughter was murdered by gun violence in a random act of violence. And since then, I have been involved in trying to reduce gun violence.” Streufert said. “Gun violence doesn’t always end in death. There are many people that are maimed for life that are crippled.”
Gun violence awareness Day is held annually, due to the death Hadiya Pendleton. She was a 15-year-old who was shot and killed in Chicago in 2013, just one week after performing at President Obama’s second inauguration parade. “There are many organizations locally here in Duluth. We have Moms Demand Action, and we have our Northland chapter of the Brady Campaign, which is a national gun violence prevention program.” Streufert said. “Also Protect Minnesota, which is a statewide gun violence prevention. And we all work together towards the same end, which is to reduce gun violence before it happens.”
For more information about gun violence awareness you can look here. Also for other stories about gun violence awareness you can read more here.