Giddy up at the Spooner Rodeo

The 70th annual Spooner Rodeo kicks off Thursday July 11th with their Coca-Cola Family night. The rodeo events run Thursday through Saturday and the rodeo concludes Sunday morning with breakfast at the rodeo grounds.
The rodeos start at 7:30pm each night and will feature saddle bronc, bareback, team roping, calf roping, mutton busting, breakaway roping, steer wrestling, barrel racing, and bull riding.
Other entertainment includes children’s activities starting at 6:30pm before the rodeos, and Country music performances at 10pm after the rodeos.
On Saturday July 12th the rodeo parade will be held at noon followed by Lions Club Bar-B-Que at 4:30pm.
Tickets are 22 dollars for ages 13+ and 11 dollars for ages 2 to 12 for general admission.
Tickets can be purchased here.