Catalyst content festival virtual Q&A with David Letterman

Catalyst is a non-profit organization, that helps people learn more about the television and entertainment industry. The institute help content creators develop their stories while networking with other industry professionals.

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Catalyst’s content festival is part of the North Star Story Summit, which includes Duluth Superior Film festival and Minnesota Webfest.

At Fitger’s Spirit of the North Theater, Catalyst hosted a virtual meeting with David Letterman to talk about the television industry.

Philip Gilpin Jr., the CEO of Catalyst explained how the organization helps people begin their journey in the entertainment industry.

“Sometimes the TV and film industry can feel like it’s something that only exists in Los Angeles or New York. That’s not true. There are a lot of people who are from Minnesota who are in the industry. It’s just that they had to move to L.A. or New York because that’s where the work is” Gilpin said.

Catalyst’s goal is to help aspiring writers, producers, and actors get their projects off the ground. Minnesota also uses tax incentives to help with filming in Duluth and other parts of the northland.

“But I think the current credits are set statewide at 5 million. We really need to be that closer to 50. Arizona just initiated state credits at $125 million a year. So that’s kind of the level that some states are getting in on on this industry. And we want Minnesota to be a part of that” Gilpin said.

Several months ago, UMD’s Maroon Loon studio began writing and producing a television show, The television episode premiered at Zeitgeist Thursday, September 29th from 5pm to 6pm.

For more information about Catalyst and the events they have during the North Star Story Summit you can look on their website