Northlanders are excited about Minneapolis hosting the 2024 U.S. Olympic gymnastics team trials
Minneapolis has hosted many big sports events, and in June of next year, the city will host the U.S. Olympic team trials in gymnastics for the first time.
Related Story: US Olympic gymnastics trials coming to Minneapolis in 2024
“It’s a great opportunity for our state to expand our gymnastic footprint, and it’s also a great way for people to come from all over the region; all of the states, neighboring states, and all of these gym clubs that have all these kids participating. How amazing for them to see an Olympic trial,” said Wendy Blackshaw, the President, and Chief Executive Officer for Minnesota Sports and Events.
The prestigious event will take place over nine days from June 22th-26th at the Minneapolis Convention Center. The Center will be the host site for the USA Gymnastics Championship, the USAG National Congress and Trade Show, and the USA Gymnastics for All National Championships and Gymfest. The Olympic Trials will occur June 27th-30th at the Target Center.
All-session tickets for the 2024 Olympic Team Trials are on sale now online. Tickets and registration will open early next year for the USA Gymnastics Championship and 2024 National Congress and Trade Show.
Minnesota is known as the hockey state, but community members and folks at Twin Ports Gymnastics in Superior say Minnesota is becoming a hotbed for gymnastics.

“Sometimes it’s not a sport you think of doing, especially when we don’t have a lot of facilities around here and because it is a hockey town. Being able to see the trials are here really opens up the eyes of these athletes and really says, ‘Oh hey, gymnastics is a sport that we can do, and maybe we might want to try it,'” Krista Almquist, Director of Twin Ports Gymnastics shared.
Jenna Nordberg enrolled her daughter Emmalia Maltby into gymnastics as a chance and a way for Emmalia to grow during the struggles of the pandemic, and that growth has been growing for three years and counting.
While watching the 2020 U.S. Olympics, the growth turned into speaking into existence what she dreams of doing. “She absolutely loved it! She loved the girls on the floor routine, loved their sparkly outfits, and loved the girls flipping around. She would stand in front of the tv, flipping, jumping, and dancing, and we said yep..she’s going to be gymnastic.”
Nordberg says this will be a good opportunity for her daughter and others who love gymnastics. “It’s going to be really great to give her this opportunity to witness first-hand; just how she can stick with it and where she can be and just give her a little bit more passion and pride on what she does on Tuesday evening.”