Who has the better roads, Duluth or Superior?

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People who travel through both cities say that Superior has some overall better roads than Duluth. "I think Superior has better roads because they maintain the main drags a little better, says Superior resident Joseph Kranjcevic. Some of the side roads are not as bad as they are in Duluth.” Along with Joseph, three other residents shared how they take Superior roads over the roads in Duluth. Spencer Koskie stated one reason that could play a factor when it comes to the roads. "Because of Duluth’s geological makeup being on the side of a hill, they definitely have a harder chance of having the better roads.”

One Superior resident said Duluth has the better roads because of what she goes through on her daily commute. “I primary travel in Superior, I live in Superior and I feel like there are potholes all over the place. I definitely feel like they need to be fixed," shared Brittany Miller.

For people who work with delivery services, the road condition can be something completely different. "I do Door Dash, and I drive around all over between Duluth and Superior. I got a first-hand look at how the roads are. There just tore up especially, downtown in Duluth,” said Brenda Bratz. Whether you drive on the roads in Duluth or over the bridge in Superior, or maybe both, one main thing to look out for is those potholes. They can cause damage to your car in many ways.