Superior’s first ‘MMA Outdoor War’ helping grow sport in Northland

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Action at Gondik Law Speedway really packed a punch on Saturday night, as the MMA Outdoor War debuted the first outside fight event in Superior with an 18 card night.

"The thing that’s beautiful about MMA being big up here is, when I moved up here in 2006 nothing ever happened up here, like there was never any big events. People always complained about how there was never anything to do in Superior, so bringing MMA to this town, it gives the town something to do and something to look forward to," said Robert Mrotek, owner of Inner Strength Martial Arts and fight coordinator.

UFC hall of famer, and nine time champion, Matt Hughes was on hand signing autographs and taking photos with fans.

Put on by Superior based Inner Strength Martial Arts, the event was modified to be family friendly with a number of youth and adult competitors.

"I’ve been training real hard in the gym, just going at it almost everyday," said 21-year-old Decker Whyle, a fighter at Inner Strength. "We had this event last year, but it got canceled, so it’s good to be out here on the frontline just having fun."

The main event featured a 155 pound title fight between defending champion Bobby Oldenburg and challenger Bruce Martineau.