Sunday Fun Day with Courage Kenny

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It was a nice day to get out and have some fun in the sun. On Sunday’s agenda, it was dog sledding in the Northland with Courage Kenny. It was a busy day at Positive Energy Outdoors. Families were out learning about everything that goes into dog sledding.

"We hope that the Courage Kenny participates today will come away with a better understanding of dog sledding and a real appreciation for how much fun the dogs love their jobs and how much they love to get out and run, said Cazier. When we have lots of people of all ages and abilities interacting with the dogs, the dogs thrive on that. They love the attention! They love having visitors!"

Blake Cazier is the Co-Founder and Director of Positive Energy Outdoors. PEO encourages and works to help people of all ages and abilities enjoy the outdoors. Sunday’s Dog Sledding and Draft Horse Sleigh Ride Adventure Day is held each March by Courage Kenny in partnership with Positive Energy Outdoors. The event is for individuals or families with a person with a disability.

Helping people engage and be themselves is what Courage Kenny offers to families and individuals. "We provide adaptive recreational opportunities for people to get outside and define themselves by what they chose to do rather than some clinical diagnostics that is put on them,” says Mark Hanna.

“So rather than being defined by their disability, they get to define themselves. I go dog sledding. I go skiing, and I do yoga. I go for walks in the woods, define themselves by what they chose to do with their lives then something that’s been put on them.”

Mark Hanna is the Program Specialist for Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute Northland.

For some of the children, the dogs were their favorite part of the event. "Being around this many dogs was good. They were dog sledding dogs, so I did not know a lot about being around them,” said Aiden Erkkila. I was a little bit afraid of them because I thought at first you were not allowed to pet them, but it turns out if they are on the harness, that’s when you have to have permission to pet them.”

If you would like to learn more about Courage Kenny and any classes or events they offer, visit their website at CK Active.