Promoting peace in Ukraine through meditation

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Although the conflict in Ukraine is on the other side of the world, a few Duluthians hope to help. Some gathered at In Harmony tonight for an evening of Reiki and meditation for peace in Ukraine.

“Reiki is the idea of healing with energy, bringing God, energy, love, energy, to all of us to restore the balances, to harmonize us, and so as we take this energy and we join with source energy, creator energy, we have a symbol in Reiki that allows us to send it across the distance to touch their energy there and let them touch ours,” explained Reiki Practitioner Debbie Merrick. “We’re going to use that to take all this light and beauty and send it to them and let them feel and share our love, share our compassion. It’s almost like merging with their energy, like being in love with them, letting our energies settle into their cells and into their energy bodies, and bring them the peace and love and compassion and strength that we want to share with them from our own light and energy and protection that we have here. We want to share that with them and give that.”

The group began with a prayer, followed by meditation and then Reiki. More information about the practice can be found here.