Preserving the history and beauty of the SS Meteor

The better we preserve our history now, the longer future generations will be able to look back at life centuries before their time. The SS Meteor is more than just a ship; it’s a part of the history of Superior! "The SS Meteor is pretty important! It’s the last remaining above water whaleback ship in the world. It has a unique design, and it was built here in Superior. A lot of folks are interested in keeping it around for the foreseeable future," says SS Meteor tour guide and special projects member Dara Fillmore.

Phil Kerber, Project Chairman, talks history is all around us. We have to open our eyes and look around to see it. "There is a history behind everything! There’s a history behind a ship. There is a history behind a person, and there is a history behind anything. It helps us go through the future, lead into the future and go forward into the future. That’s what history does, and we don’t want to make those same mistakes."

The SS METEOR is special because it is the only above water ship of its kind left. "This ship was built, and it’s a unique design. The whaleback ship idea came from a guy named Alexander McDougall. Throughout his forty’s and fifties, he decided to build these ships. There were about forty-four of them built, and that’s it, that was the end, said Fillmore. So, over the years, they got scrapped as they got old, which happens to ships or they sunk. So, the fact that this one is still here and in good enough condition to take a tour of and learn about is a unique thing."

Throughout the years, volunteers have made significant strides in preserving her beauty. Kerber stated, "They are passionate about this ship because it is one of a kind, and they want to make it look good."

Fillmore has worked at the SS Meteor since 2014 and has seen how much fun it’s been seeing folks come and go. “A lot of retires come and help out, and it is something to do. They will sometimes come doing the year, which is great! It is cool at all of the meals on the weekends, and there is just chatter, Fillmore said. Everyone is talking about something about the ship. A lot of people that help us are divers, and they are comparing things on the ship to whaleback underwater that you can only see when you dive.”

The SS Meteor Preservation Project happens every year during the last weekend in April in Superior, WI. If you would like to join the volunteer team or have any questions, you can contact Project Chairman Phil Kerber at You can also contact Megan Meyer, Executive Director of the Superior Public Museums at