Becoming a Skywarn Spotter for the Duluth NWS

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Have you ever wanted to do some storm chasing? But maybe a little safer version? There are lots of opportunities to help the National Weather Service in Duluth, by becoming one of their certified Skywarn Spotters.

"Weather spotters can report, usually they give us a phone call when they see severe weather, when they have hail, wind damage, when they see certain clouds that might indicate a tornado is forming," explained Joe Moore, a meteorologist with the Duluth NWS. "They let us know what’s happening on the ground so that we can issue accurate watches and warnings."

After some training, either online or in person, you’ll know what to watch out for in your own backyard.

"The spotters on the ground, the spotters who come out to this class are critical to our severe weather operations, because we don’t have any automated weather stations that can tell us that hail is falling, that can tell us that a row of trees just fell. That can tell us that a tornado just went through. It’s spotters on the ground that tell us about this vital information."

There is another class at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday night in Tamarack at the Sno Flyers Club. You can find other class times on the National Weather Service’s website.