Outdoor gardening not recommended until June 3

It may be spring, but it is not quite time to start gardening outdoors. Gordy’s Gift and Garden in Hermantown does not recommend planting outside for two more months.

“I know everybody’s itching, and it’s like absolutely spring fever right now, but you really don’t want to plant anything or do any outdoor gardening,” said employee Stephanie Longstreet. “This sounds maybe a little crazy, but it’s the first full moon after the last frost. So actually that’s not till June 3rd.”

Longstreet added that it also may be too soon to start planting seeds indoors. 

“You could start seeds indoors, but if you’re starting them indoors right now, then you’re going to have to deal with being prepared to support them,” said Longstreet. “More than likely, if you think about June 3rd, they’ll be established. You’ll need to move them into a bigger container indoors.”