A tale of two winters: Comparing 2022-2023 and 2023-2024

April concluded with a season snowfall total of 38.7″ in Duluth. We’ve all felt the whiplash since last year’s record-setting 140.1″.

Interestingly, the average of the two is precisely the normal snowfall for October through April of 89.4″.

May’s normal monthly snowfall, bringing our season total normal to 90.2.” May of 2023 did not add any snow to the running total.

The 2023-2024 season started quite snowless, and that trend continued through February. Duluth’s season total was only 18.7″ through March 15th.

The second half of March then brought Duluth more snow than the fall and winter combined with 19.9″.

Even so, this was less than March of 2023 which was the third snowiest on record with 34.9″.

March and December together were the heavy hitters that pushed 20222-2023 to the number one spot.

December 2022 set a monthly record for Duluth with 44.9″. That single month was six inches snowier than the entire 2023-2024 season.