Duluth Seaway Port Authority hosts clean up and blessing events

The Duluth Seaway Port Authority hosted several events on Thursday. The first was the fifth annual Earth Day cleanup organized by the Rice’s Point Business Group. Volunteers from companies located around Rice’s Point collected litter and recycling ahead of the summer season. Kate Ferguson of the Duluth Seaway Port Authority said their team’s goal each year is to host their cleanup ahead of the Minnesota Fishing Opener.

The second event was the annual Blessing of the Port, given by the Twin Ports Ministry to Seafarers. Reverend Douglas Paulson gave the blessing on Tuesday evening at the Lake Superior Maritime Visitor Center. 

“I’m really glad that we have Twin Ports Ministry of Seafarers as a way to connect, welcome, listen to, and care about the seafarers from around the world,” said Reverend Paulson. “There’s a whole economic piece that is going on with seafarers and that builds our community together in ways that I don’t know if everybody realizes.”