Two women announce they are running for At-Large seats on the Duluth City Council

Monday meant announcements from two women who are running for At-Large seats on the Duluth City Council.

Miranda Pacheco stood at Gichi-ode’ Akiing Park with her supporters. She said she moved here to Duluth for treatment from drug addiction, and has built her life here. She’s now a counselor for those who are dealing with addiction.

“I’m running because there are people who feel hopeless. You know, people in recovery, just because we’ve had a past, just because we’ve made some mistakes in the past, doesn’t mean that we don’t belong in these spaces,” Pacheco said.

Lynne Marie Nephew chose One Roof Community Housing. She’s a longtime real estate agent, who said her background with housing will help the city meet challenges related to housing.

“I would like to see more supportive housing happening in Duluth. But we also need to think about the middle. So there’s a lot of people stuck in rental housing right now that should really be buying houses and starting to build that wealth, the generational wealth that a lot of us look for and we aren’t building that housing,” Nephew told us.

Two At-Large councilors, Arik Forsman and Noah Hobbs, are not seeking re-election.