Death Cafes in Duluth aim to make end of life something more normal to talk about

Death Cafe in Duluth aims to help normalize what can be a difficult topic.

A Death Cafe is a way to help have discussions about death, with a lighter tone in making connections with others.

Talking about death can be difficult and daunting. A Duluth woman who’s an estate attorney wants to change that.

Amy Kuronen just hosted her first Death Cafe. Nine people attended, and it was an open ended conversation without an agenda.

She told us, “When you talk more about it, it does reduce the fear. It does reduce the anxiety. And then also, if you are able to talk with your family about your wishes, that takes a lot of the pressure off of them in the future and what could be a really, really hard time when they have so many decisions to make. If you’ve let them know what’s important to you, that that’s a huge help.”

Her friend, financial planner Michelle Buria, attended this first event.

“There was a feeling of relief. You realize people have some of the same questions and concerns, and you don’t feel so alone,” Buria said. “It was a great mix of people.”

It’s not a grief support group, although you can mention your grief. It’s more about connecting and sharing.

Death Cafes began in Britain, and have grown over the years. The traditional refreshment is cake and tea.

There is another cafe coming up on Tuesday, March 19th, at 5:30 at the Kitchi Kammi Club. To RSVP: