Heat Safety Awareness

Heat Exhaustion vs. Heat Stroke.
EXCESSIVE HEAT SAFETY: Heat is another dangerous form of severe weather. Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are preventable if you know what symptoms to look for.
Heat Stroke Symptoms:
- Headache
- High external temperature (103°F or higher)
- Rapid and strong pulse
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- No sweating
- Hot and dry skin
- Loss of consciousness
If you have any of these symptoms: Immediately stop what you are doing and call 9-1-1. Move to a cool location and begin to lower the body temperatures with either cool clothes or a bath. Do not give or take any fluids.
Heat Exhaustion Symptoms:
- Feeling faint or dizzy
- Excessive sweating
- Cold, pale and/or clammy skin
- A fast but weak pulse
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Muscle cramps
If you have any of these symptoms: Immediately stop what you or the person are doing and move inside or to a cooler place. Once inside or in a cooler place, lie down and sip water as well as loosen any tight clothing. If vomiting continues, seek medical attention.
Ways to Prevent/Lessen Heat-Related Illnesses:
- Drink water
- Avoid sugary drinks, alcoholic drinks and drinks with caffeine – they are diuretics which will cause you to become dehydrated.
- Wear light color, loose-fitting and lightweight clothing.
- Never leave elderly, children or pets in cars during particularly hot days.
- Pace yourself if you’re outdoors either working or for recreation.
- Take frequent breaks to cool down.
- Use an AC or fan to regulate your temperature during the day and at night.