UMD men’s basketball days away from preseason Spain trip

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The University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) men’s basketball team last left the country to play other competition in 2019 when they went to Costa Rica.

Now the four year wait to get back across the pond is over as the team will be heading to Spain for their Summer Tour in three days time.

“Exhibition games are a good experience for our guys to kind of get back in the groove a little bit. But also probably more importantly, a chance to have some team bonding, get a chance to go to a new country and experience a different culture,” said head coach Justin Wieck.

The team will have finished a total of 10 practices before taking off on August 7th from Duluth. Spending 10 total days over seas, traveling to Madrid, Valencia and Barcelona facing off with four club Spanish teams.

“In season when you have a game, you just hang out in the hotel all day. This is going to be more about getting out, exploring and then just playing the game in the evenings. We are going to play some older professional teams. It’ll be 25, 30 years old and pretty good teams. So it’s less about the wins and losses for us, it’s more about the experience,” Wieck concluded.