Yarn Harbor helps to “Warm Up the City”

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Saturday marks the return of the “Warm Up the City.” It’s a program that has been going on for nine years. They distribute hats and mittens and knit products across the city of Duluth- in a “yarn bomb” fashion. Each has a tag that says, “I am not lost! I need a good home. If you need me, please take me home with you!”

Organizers say this long running event has been well received, “People look forward to it every year. People knit for it. People have it in the back of their minds as one of the places that they donate to,” Kathy Thomas of Yarn Harbor tells us. “People have seen people out with a garment on that they’ve knit, which is super cool too.”

There is an opportunity to volunteer your time to distribute these hats and mittens. You can sign up here.