Women’s History Month reading list for adults and kids

If you like to read thematically, Jennifer Jubenville, the manager at The Bookstore at Fitger’s, has some recommendations for Women’s History Month.

Her top suggestions are:

1) “Agent Josephine: American Beauty, French Hero, British Spy” by Damien Lewis

2) “A Woman’s War, Too: Women at Work During World War II” by Virginia Wright-Peterson

3) “Eliza Hamilton: Extraordinary Life and Times of the Wife of Alexander Hamilton” by Tilar J. Mazzeo

4) “The Girls Survived” series by Nikki Shannon Smith

Other recommendations include:

  • “Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls” series
  • “When Women Ruled the World: Six Queens of Egypt” by Kara Cooney
  • “The Real Valkyrie: Hidden History of Viking Warrior Women” by Nancy Marie Brown

All of the titles are available at The Bookstore at Fitger’s.