Women’s History Month reading list for adults and kids

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If you like to read thematically, Jennifer Jubenville, the manager at The Bookstore at Fitger’s, has some recommendations for Women’s History Month.

Her top suggestions are:

1) “Agent Josephine: American Beauty, French Hero, British Spy” by Damien Lewis

2) “A Woman’s War, Too: Women at Work During World War II” by Virginia Wright-Peterson

3) “Eliza Hamilton: Extraordinary Life and Times of the Wife of Alexander Hamilton” by Tilar J. Mazzeo

4) “The Girls Survived” series by Nikki Shannon Smith

Other recommendations include:

  • “Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls” series
  • “When Women Ruled the World: Six Queens of Egypt” by Kara Cooney
  • “The Real Valkyrie: Hidden History of Viking Warrior Women” by Nancy Marie Brown

All of the titles are available at The Bookstore at Fitger’s.