What’s the Buzz? UMD student organization raises awareness for local pollinators

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Even without green plants growing, we still need to think of the bees. We meet two students from the student run organization Helping Hives, President Ella Stewart and Vice President Violet Forster. They’re hosting an event called “What’s the Buzz?” which is a community focused pollinator workshop. It’s free to attend.

It’s November 15th, 3pm to 7:30pm in UMD’s Kirby Ballroom. Here’s the rundown of the events:

  • 3:00pm-3:30pm Monarch Buddies talk Monarch Habitats Learn about the local group, Monarch Buddies, who are dedicated to restoring monarch habitats in the Duluth area.
  • 3:40pm-4:00pm Hillside Honey talks Recreational Beekeeping Listen to Greg Petry’s experiences in beekeeping, the application of beekeeping as a form of therapeutic recreation, and Greg’s planned work with beekeeping and veterans.
  • 4:00pm – 4:25pm Shoreview Natives talks Native Plants Shoreview Natives is a native plant and pollinator garden landscaping business in Two Harbors. Learn more about their mission and native plants.
  • 4:30pm – 5:30pm Sarah Foltz Jordan talks Native Bee Biology & Conservation Strategies MN is home to nearly 500 species of native bees, many of which are declining. Join Xerces Society pollinator conservation biologist. Sarah Foltz Jordan for this buzz-worthy session on native bee biology, status, nesting & foraging needs, and how to help.
  • 5:30 – 6:25 Break During both breaks check out the tables, make homemade chapstick, win pollinator prizes, and enter the Helping Hives raffle to win local Duluth products from Miel and other pollinator related gifts!
  • 6:30-7:30pm Claire Lande talks Honeybees Listen to Claire’s experience raising honeybees in the Northland including an intro to the hive, current challenges for beekeepers, and sustainable management practices