Tips to de-stress during the holidays

Finding some peace during the holiday season

Stacy Crawford says simplifying plans and taking personal time is important to relax.

No matter how much you love your friends and family, the holidays and the gathering can be a difficult time for many people.

Stacy Crawford of Klear Water Coaching & Wellness offers her tips to embrace peace during this holiday season.

No. 1: Simplify plans

“Tradition is sometimes so long in families… it can be challenging to pull off,” Stacy explains that it’s okay to cut some things out.

No. 2: Set boundaries and communicate them

“It’s important to think about, ‘What is it that I need? And how do I communicate that?'” Stacy reminds us that we cannot read others minds and probably would not like to. And we should communicate our boundaries with kindness.

No. 3: Take personal time

“While many people are extroverts and just love to be with people all the time, some of us, myself included, just like to have a little time to maybe just think, relax, maybe even nap.”

No. 4: Ask for help

“Sometimes family likes to be able to help. And they really want to bring something. And honoring that ability to let people help you, but also say, ‘I really could use a help with this.'”

No. 5: Be mindful of alcohol consumption

“Just be mindful to notice, ‘How much I am consuming?'” Stacy says it’s also about making a place where everyone feels welcome. “But I think also that, I don’t have to have everybody’s wine glass overflowing every minute. And maybe I don’t even need to emphasize that?”