Removed to repurposed: All Out Junk Removal’s mission

Removed to repurposed: All Out Junk Removal’s mission

All Out Junk Removal's mission is to repurpose what they collect, to donate to people who can use it.

When Charlie Martin is not working 12-hour shifts as a UMD police officer, he’s running All Out Junk Removal. And his mission there is to repurpose what he collects to donate to people who can use it.

“I have saved truckloads,” he said. “It’s crazy.”

He started in the winter of 2021. People call All Out Junk Removal and pay a fee that depends on how much space their stuff takes up in Martin’s truck. That allows him to turn around and donate good quality items.

“It just started with wanting to be part of something a little bit bigger than I was, really,” Martin said.

He works with Foundations Housing Support and other organizations to find people who may be in a new home or apartment without furniture. On a Wednesday in mid-December, he dropped off a TV, TV stand, bookshelf, and air conditioning unit at a Duluth home.

“Always, families are happy to hear that their stuff isn’t just going to go into the landfill someplace,” Martin said.

Whatever the organizations he works with can’t take, he brings to Savers. The last step would be a landfill.

Each trip to drop donations is a reminder that you can take what you do and make a difference.

“I’m reminded when I’m in the truck like, OK, this is cool,” Martin said. “This is worth it. And I love doing it.”