Give Kids a Smile and building healthy dental habits

Getting on the right path with kids’ dental habits

Dr. Simon Broccard explains how care for our baby teeth can affect our teeth as adults.

Baby teeth might not be permanent, but kids still need to care for them.

Dr. Simon Broccard of Midwest Dental Superior explains, “The main reason you want to keep them healthy is you prevent infections and cavities. They also hold the space for adult teeth. SO if you lose a baby tooth early- the adult teeth can’t go into the right spot.”

Cavities on your baby teeth can translate to cavities on you adult teeth too.

Each year, dental professionals from across the state participate in Give Kids a Smile, providing free dental care to children in need. This includes Dr. Simon’s office, Midwest Dental Superior.

“You don’t need to be an existing patient. You just call,” he tells The Lift, “Cleanings, fillings, sealants, treatments extractions, what ever kids need…”

A handful clinics throughout the Twin Ports are participating.

The event take place February 2 & 3, 2024.