Five steps to get your home ready to sell

Five steps to get your home ready to sell

Kaitlyn Beise of Tidy Details says proper home staging can help your home sell faster.

February is the beginning of the spring home selling season. Tidy Details, a local staging and organizing company, has five steps to get your house ready for the market.

  1. Deep clean: Take it room by room and clean from top to bottom and left to right
  2. Declutter: Start packing by containing loose items in closets and pantries in baskets and bins
  3. Depersonalize: Paint the walls neutral colors, remove loud prints, and pack away personal photos
  4. Add intention to each room: Make sure the intention for each space is clear by adding a hat on a coat hook or putting a fresh welcome mat in the entry
  5. Consider hiring a stager: A stager can help with the whole process or just the finishing touches to ensure the photos come across well

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