Earth Month: DLH Clothing’s ReDLH program

DLH Clothing has been making unique T-shirts, sweatshirts and more since 2014. Sarah Herrick-Smisek and her husband Mike co-own the company, and they’re trying something new to reduce waste in 2023.

The store just launched a “ReDLH” program.

“DLH has been around now for 8.5 years. We have a really great audience base. Our customers are amazing,” Herrick-Smisek said. “But you know, sometimes they want new DLH items and they’re looking in their closet and they’re like, I can’t possibly buy another DLH thing.”

To give the items a longer life, DLH Clothing is accepting secondhand tank tops, shirts, and more in exchange for store credit. Then the clothes will be resold at a lower price point.

Baihly Warfield/WDIO

“That is part one of why we wanted to start this program is just give these items a longer life, keep them out of landfills, keep this a more sustainable practice. The second thing is we know that as a small business working with other small businesses, our price points are higher than some places. We can’t go and sell a T-shirt for $10 here. It’s just not how that works. And so we know that our products aren’t accessible for everybody as well. So this program really allows DLH to be accessible to a much larger audience as well,” Herrick-Smisek said.

She’s hoping to collect 50 ReDLH items throughout Earth Week to launch the program well.

They’re also looking forward to restarting the “Run DLH” line of clothes before Grandma’s Marathon.

The store in Lincoln Park is open 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday and 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday.

Kyle Aune/WDIO