Duluth Thrives Resiliency Summit this weekend

This weekend, the St. Louis County Family Services Collaborative, Junior League of Duluth, and Greenfield Communications are hosting the Duluth Thrives Resiliency Summit.

Experts will help attendees understand what’s happening when our brains experience stress and address implicit bias, diversity and inclusion, and microaggressions.

“When we understand the neurobiology behind stress, then we have a better opportunity to learn how to manage ourselves better,” Duluth Thrives Co-Chair Patty Salo-Downs said.

There will also be an emphasis on children and what stress does to their brain development. Salo-Downs and Co-Chair Julie Soderberg say the event is for anyone.

“This is just such a great opportunity to learn more about your brain, to learn more about brains of children,” Soderberg said. “We don’t realize it, but a very small amount of stress can change the neurobiology in our heads.”

They say the goal of Duluth Thrives is to give everyone in St. Louis County the same information because “we all do better when we all do better.”

The summit goes from 8 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Saturday, March 25. The in-person option is at the downtown Duluth Holiday Inn, or people can participate virtually. Registration is $20. Find a schedule and link to register here.