Don’t ‘wait for your weight’ this swimsuit season

Not your traditional Dos and Don’ts of swimsuit season

Summer approaches and that means swimsuit season. Jaime Jensen says "if you have a body, you are beach body ready."

Regardless of whether you’re on a weightloss journey or not, Jaime Jensen of Progress Over Perfect Coaching reminds us that you don’t need to look a certain way for ‘swimsuit-season.’ Any body is a beach body, but there are somethings you can do to make swimsuit season tolerable.

Here’s Jaime’s list of Dos and Don’ts:


  • Find something you love and feel comfortable in– practice wearing it around the house, backyard, a friend’s house, then beach/pool
  • Find a color you love. It doesn’t have to be black. Your swimsuit could be your favorite color or maybe looks great on your skin tone.
  • Remember lots of options -swimsuits come in more than just bikinis- tankini, shorts with tank. Dresses are fabulous for summer keep you cool and cute!
  • Build confidence with some accessories you love-hat, sunglasses, jewelry.
  • Focus on the event and making memories and people there-Bbq, pool party, family time, friends


  • Beach body diets or workouts are often unhealthy and unrealistic. It will confuse your body into holding on to weight out of fear.
  • Skip pictures
  • Buy something that is too big to hide your body. Wearing something too big draws attention to area you want to hide.
  • Don’t skip the fun because you aren’t “where you think you should be”