Cooking with Chef Stuart: Saving the pumpkin seeds

Chef Stuart tells us that this year we should save the seeds when we carve our pumpkins. He’s got both a sweet and savory recipe.

Sweet Candied Pumpkin Seeds

  • 1 cup pumpkin seeds
  • 1T Butter
  • 2T Brown Sugar
  • 1 pinch nutmeg
  • 2t Cinnamon
  • 1t salt

Melt the butter

Mix the sugar and spices with the butter and the seeds and then lay on a parchment lined sheet tray. 

Bake at 375F until seeds are golden brown and beginning to get crunchy (about 40 minutes). Seeds will get crunchier when they cool. 

Let cool and enjoy

Savory Cajun Pumpkin Seeds

  • 1 cup pumpkin seeds
  • 1T Smoked Paprika
  • 1t garlic powder
  • 1t onion powder
  • 1/2t white pepper
  • 1/2t black pepper
  • 1t cayenne
  • 1t cumin
  • 1t salt

Melt the butter

Mix the pumpkin seeds with the melted butter and spices

Bake at 375F until seeds are golden brown and crunchy (about 40 minutes). It will be hard to tell because of spice color so go by texture. The seeds will get crunchier when they cool. 

Let cool and enjoy.