Building Employment Links

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Michelle Schubitzke, owner of Employment Links, stopped by The Lift talk about the work they do. “It’s an employment agency here in Duluth that provides assistance to individual who provide support through county waivers our vocational rehabilitation services.” They help people meet their goals involving employment, education, and community integration.

“These services can be exploring employment opportunities… as well as skill building to prepare them into entering the work force. resume writing to interview skills. Once they do secure employment, we can provide support as they’re training and learning,” Michelle tells us this can even be long term.

Michelle says that through all the years she’s been doing this, it still bring her joy, “About a year ago I ran into a client I actually provided services over 20 years ago, and I ran into her in the grocery story… She said, ‘I just want to thank you for all you did for me back then. I have a great job now. I have two children. I’m married.’ And it just made my day.”

And now a new challenge for the longtime business, “Since re-opening (from Covid). We’ve struggled tremendously with securing employees. We have several openings at this time,” Michelle tells us anyone interested should reach out to her through the Employment Link’s website.