Astrobob: Two eclipses and the Spring equinox

AstroBob talks eclipses and the equinox

AstroBob King spends the first full day of spring with The Lift, talking about the April 8th Total Eclipse.

On the first full spring of the Spring Equinox, Astrobob, AKA Bob King, highlighted the upcoming lunar and full solar eclipse.

There’s total solar eclipse is coming April 8. Astro Bob recommends viewing the eclipse with the special solar eclipse glasses or No. 14 Welder’s glass (not any other number).

There’s also indirect ways to watch the eclipse, like a colander. For this method, watch the sunshine through the each of the holes like a pinhole projector. If you don’t have a colander, you can poke holes with a sewing needle in a paper plate. Astro Bob also suggest using the Ritz cracker method. Hold a cracker just above your palm and watch the shadows through its hold. Don’t look directly into the sun. Don’t look through any of these objects directly at the sun.

But before the solar eclipse, there is a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on March 25th. It will pass over Duluth at 2 a.m..