Tech Bytes: selfies are a public health problem

Tech Bytes: Taking selfies could be a health risk

Google is looking into complaints about personal files vanishing from its cloud service, YouTube is going further into the gaming industry, and the selfie has now become a public health problem.

Google is looking into complaints that personal files are vanishing from its cloud service. Some users are reporting missing months of data. The company says it’s an issue with syncing files for certain versions of the google drive desktop app.

Next, Youtube is digging deeper into the gaming industry. “Playables” are now available for premium users, on either Youtube’s mobile or desktop app. The offerings include “Angry Birds Showdown” and daily solitaire and crossword games. For now, the games are only promised through next March.

Taking a selfie is now considered a “public health problem.” That’s from a study in Australia, citing hundreds of selfie-related injuries and deaths over more than a decade. Researchers are requesting social media apps install software to warn people about selfie dangers.